Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Alternative Cancer Prostate Treatment

Cancer is a disease characterized by uncontrolled growth, called a tumor, abnormal cells. Prostate cancer is any type of malignant tumour of the prostate. The prostate is a male sex glands, located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate is about the size of a walnut and surrounds part of the urethra prostate makes fluid that becomes part of semen. In the USA, prostate cancer is the most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer deaths in men. Statistics show that from 1985 to today, the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer has tripled, with an estimated 50000 expected to die of this disease in 1995.

If the cancer is located in the prostate gland and considered slow-growing, May some doctors recommend a conservative approach of "watchful waiting". Meanwhile, the patient will receive no treatment, but the doctor will closely monitor the size and growth of the tumor and regularly check the high levels of PSA. The growth of the tumor is determined by the Gleason system - appearance of the tumor under the microscope distinguishes his grade. The notes are tumors of 1 to 5. A tumor grade 2 appears as lumps and cancer cells with defined borders and is less likely to grow rapidly. A high-quality tumor is scattered with jagged edges that are likely to spread quickly. However, after taking into account the tumor stage, tumor grade, the man's age and overall human health, some doctors recommend other treatment methods. There are herbal and natural treatment - are used to remove, destroy or control cancer cells in a specific field.

Holistic health care and society research center on a compound herbal treatment of advanced prostate cancer 96. A base of olive oil extracted herbal preparation called Zyflamend suppresses cell growth of prostate cancer and induced Bemis and colleagues observed that treatment of prostate cancer cells You are here: treatment herbal against cancer: prostate cancer herbal cleanse Support Alternative Mix Guide cancer treatment herbal and vitamin therapy for cancer, including agaricus blazei immune research found that more consumption of calories may men double the risk of prostate cancer. About acupuncture and holistic health care Society & Research Center. Located on the USA Public Health and Prevention of view with general information are provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of the 6 men with advanced metastatic prostate cancer herbal dietary supplement SPES for the treatment of hormone therapy for prostate cancer resistant to the use of prostate cancer treatment herbal and now the brand new prostate cancer treatment natural, we can prostate natural treatment. But other virus prostate treatment is also part of cancer cure prostate cancer for prostate cancer.

Some of the advantages of using the prostate treatment herbal: prostate cancer prevention anti-inflammatory prostate anti bacterial prostate health maintenance maintenance of the urinary system supports Prostate Cancer Treatment herbal Dr. Salaries herbal jhonson New York USA and International. An herbal prostate cancer. Keep your kidneys prostate and bladder healthy mixture carefully herbal treatment of prostate cancer prostate cancer

Prostate cancer and alternative medicine natural substitution treatment prostate treatment works and natural herbs to the formula of prostate cancer of the prostate an information resource-General Health Care Society holistic & Research Center, which deals with topics such that the diagnosis staging of treatment and remission. Prostate cancer treatment and healing explains your options for the treatment and cure of cancer of the prostate cancer specialist who is consulted in its own natural community have a natural progression of prostate cancer tends to be slowly progressive cancer. Absolute In this study of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer in Connecticut, which did not have initial treatment Spicy Spin on prostate cancer treatment natural chemical in peppers called capsaicin May delay treatment for cancer OK The prostate of men with low risk of prostate cancer may safely wait up to six months because of changes in the biological behavior and natural history of prostate cancer observation May be the best option treatment for certain patients with prostate cancer. It is also important to understand the natural history of prostate cancer treatment options.

Monday, May 26, 2008

An Overview of Cancer

Cancer is the second to cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in the Western world.
Although cancer is a disease that mainly affects people over 60% of cancer deaths occur among those over 65 years, cancer can strike even the youngest children.

Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. The cancer can develop in almost any organ or tissue, such as lung, colon, breast, skin, bone or nerve tissue.

The most common sites are:
  • The prostate 24%
  • Breast 13%
  • Lung 13%
  • Colon and rectum 9%
  • Bladder 3%
  • Utérus 2.5%
The cause of cancer is estimated to be a combination of genetic factors and outside carcinogens such as tobacco, viruses, infection, asbestos, vinyl chloride, a poor diet.

Cancer often has no symptoms, it is therefore important that you limit your risk factors and undergo cancer screening appropriate. The signs and symptoms depend on where the cancer is the size of cancer, and how it affects the nearby organs or structures.

If cancer spreads (metastasis), then May symptoms occur in different parts of the body. As a cancer develops, it starts growing nearby organs, blood vessels and nerves. If the cancer is in a critical area, as some parts of the brain, even the smallest tumors can cause symptoms early.

But sometimes cancers start in places where it does not cause symptoms until the cancer has grown quite large. The cancer of the pancreas, for example, are not used to grow large enough to be felt outside the body.
At the time of pancreatic cancer causes of these signs or symptoms, he generally reached an advanced stage.

A cancer May also cause symptoms common to many other problems, such as fever, fatigue and weight loss. This May be because the cancer uses lots of energy body or May cause the release of substances which affect metabolism.

Some lung cancers make hormone-like substances that affect levels of calcium in the blood, affecting the nerves and muscles and cause weakness and dizziness.

It is important to know what some of the (non-specific) signs and symptoms of cancer, but remember that having one of these does not mean you have cancer.

Most cancers can be treated and cured some, depending on the type, location and stage. The earlier the cancer is detected, the better the prognosis.

A good example of the importance of finding an early cancer is melanoma skin cancer. Skin cancer can be easily removed if it has not grown deep into the skin, and the 5-year survival rates (percentage of people living at least 5 years after diagnosis) at this stage is nearly100%.

Screening for breast cancer with mammography has been shown to reduce the average phase diagnosis of breast cancer in a population.
The colorectal cancer can be detected by fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy, which reduces both the incidence of colon cancer and mortality, presumably through the detection and removal of pre-malignant polyps.
Similarly, cytology tests of the cervix (using the Pap test) leads to the identification and excision of precancerous lesions.
Testiculaire self-examination is recommended for men beginning at the age of 15 years to detect testicular cancer.

Signs and symptoms
  • Pain May be an early symptom of some cancers such as bone cancer or testicular cancer.
  • In the long term constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the size of stool May be a sign of colon cancer.
  • With pain urinating, blood in urine, or a change of function of the bladder (such as more frequent or less frequent urination) could be linked to the bladder or prostate cancer.
  • Cancers of the skin and bleeding May resemble wounds that do not heal.
  • A long-term pain in the mouth could be a cancer of the mouth and must be addressed immediately, especially in patients who smoke, chew tobacco, or frequently drink alcohol.
  • Wounds on the penis or vagina May, or be signs of infection or a cancer early, and must not be neglected.
  • Unusual bleeding can occur either early or advanced cancer.
  • Blood in the sputum (mucus) May be a sign of lung cancer.
  • Blood in the stool (or a dark or black stool) could be a sign of the colon or rectum cancer.
  • Blood in urine May be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer.
  • A bloody nipple discharge May be a sign of breast cancer.
  • Many cancers can be felt through the skin, mostly in the breast, testicle, lymph nodes (glands), and soft tissues of the body. A lump or thickening May be a beginning or the end signs of cancer.
  • Although they often have other causes, indigestion or swallowing problems May be a sign of cancer of the esophagus, stomach or pharynx (throat).
  • A cough that does not go far May be a sign of lung cancer.
  • Cancer May be suspected for a variety of reasons, but the definitive diagnosis of most malignant tumors must be confirmed by histological examination of cancer cells by a pathologist.
Once diagnosed, the cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Radiation May be used to treat almost all types of solid tumors, including brain cancers, breast, cervix, larynx, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin, l 'stomach, uterus, or soft tissue sarcomas.

Most forms of chemotherapy target all rapidly dividing cells and are not specific to cancer cells, although a certain degree of specificity May come from the inability of many cancer cells to repair damage to DNA, while normal cells can generally.

Contemporary methods to generate an immune response against tumors intra BCG immunotherapy for cancer of the bladder surface, and the use of interferon and other cytokines to induce an immune response to cancer cells kidney and melanoma patients.

Drugs against pain, as morphine and oxycodone, and anti-emetics, drugs to suppress nausea and vomiting, are very commonly used in patients with cancer-related symptoms. transmission and disease.

Advances in cancer research have made a vaccine to prevent cancer. The vaccine protects against four types of HPV, which causes 70% of cancers of the cervix and 90% of genital warts.

The consensus on diet and cancer is that obesity increases the risk of developing cancer. The fight against cancer components of the diet are also proving to be more numerous and varied than previously understood, if patients are increasingly advised to consume fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables for maximum health.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Breast Cancer - Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a cancer that begins in cells within the world, breast cancer is the second most common cancer after lung cancer (10.4% of total cancer incidence, both sexes to count) and the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths. The world, breast cancer is by far the most common cancer among women, with an incidence rate more than double that of colorectal cancer and cancer of the cervix and about three times that of cancer lung. However breast cancer mortality in the world is only 25% higher than that of lung cancer in women. In 2005, breast cancer caused 502000 deaths worldwide (7% of cancer deaths and nearly 1% of all deaths). The number of cases worldwide has increased considerably since the 1970's, a phenomenon partly due to modern lifestyles in the Western world.

In most cases, there is no clear causes normal breast cells become cancerous. Doctors know that only 5 percent to 10 percent of breast cancers are hereditary. The families who have genetic defects in one of two genes, gene for breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) or gene Breast Cancer 2 (BRCA2), have a much greater risk of developing both breast cancer and the ovary. Other inherited mutations - including ataxia-telangiectasia gene mutation, the cell cycle control kinase 2 (CHEK-2) and the gene p53 tumor suppressor gene - also make it more likely that you will develop breast cancer. If one of these genes is present in your family, you have a 50 percent chance of having the gene.

Inflammatory breast cancer is a type of breast cancer that involves the skin of the breast. This type of cancer is less than 4% of all breast cancers diagnosed each year in the USA. The physical symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer include redness of the skin and breast swelling breast. In some cases, a single May be present.

Types of Breast Cancer

Tumor grade : If the cancer is a type invasive, the pathologist assigned a grade. The quality is based on how closely cells in the sample of tissue resemble normal breast tissue under the microscope. The classification of information and the type of cell, allows your doctor to determine treatment options.

Tubulaires cancer : This rare type of breast cancer takes its name from the appearance of cancer cells under a microscope. Although it is an invasive breast cancer, the outlook is more favourable than for invasive ductal carcinoma or invasive lobular carcinoma.

Metaplastic carcinoma : Met plastic cancer represents less than 1 percent of all new breast cancers diagnosed. This damage tends to remain localized and contains several types of cells that are not generally considered other forms of breast cancer. The prognosis and treatment is similar to the invasive ductal carcinoma.

Lobulaire carcinoma in situ is NOT cancer. But this is a sign that a woman who has it is 6 to 7 times more likely to develop cancer during their lifetime, a woman who does not have LCIS the same risk as you would if your mother and sister both had cancer.

Most of the songs prove to be fibrocystic changes. The term "fibrocystic" refers to fibrosis and cysts. Fibrosis is the formation of fibrous (scar or type) tissue, and cysts are filled with fluid bags. Changes fibrocystic breast can cause swelling and pain. This often occurs just before a period is about to begin. Your breasts feel lumpy May, and sometimes you May a clear opinion or slightly cloudy nipple discharge.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ovarian Cancer - not to ignore the warning signs

Approximately 1.5 percent of women are likely to develop ovarian cancer at some point in their lives. It is less common than breast cancer but is considered the most serious and deadly of all gynecological cancers. This is because the cancer is usually advanced before it is diagnosed, making treatment difficult. The ovaries can be easily examined and, because the signs are not clear, late diagnosis is common.

Due to the lack of screening tests available, it is imperative to know the early symptoms and possible risk factors.

Understanding ovarian cancer
The ovaries are two small organs that are part of the female reproductive system and are located on either side of the uterus. These ovaries contain germ cells that become eggs that are released when the woman menstruates.

They also produce estrogen and progesterone, hormones that adjust the menstrual cycle and have an effect on the growth of breasts and body hair as well as affecting the development of the female body shape.

What types of tumors are there?
This normally happens in an organized manner, but sometimes they grow abnormally and form a growth that we are experiencing as a tumour. The tumour can be benign, or it could be malignant. If it is benign, it is not cancerous and does not spread to other parts of his body. A malignant tumour, on the other hand, is often spread and cancer, making mestastases or secondary cancers.

Ovarian cancer is malignant and may occur in one or both ovaries. There are three main groups who are linked to the cell where the cancer starts. Epithelial ovarian cancer, as its name suggests, grows in the epithelium which is the surface of the ovary. It is the most common and accounts for about 90 percent of ovarian cancer. It mainly affects postmenopausal women.

Another type of epithelial tumor is a tumor borderline growing much more slowly than its regular counterpart. These can usually be removed successfully, even if diagnosed at an advanced stage.

There is a very rare form of ovarian cancer called germ cell ovarian cancer that begins in cells that develop into eggs. This represents only 5 per cent of cancers of the ovary and usually occurs only in women under age 30. The other five percent of ovarian cancers are generally sex cord stromal cells ovarian cancer that affects the cells responsible for ovarian female hormones. It can affect women of all ages.

Who is at risk for ovarian cancer?
The cause of ovarian cancer is unknown but there are certain risk factors that have been identified through research. Although these risk factors can increase your risk of developing ovarian cancer, they do not mean that you will necessarily develop the disease. However, knowledge of these risk factors can be useful. If you are interested in having one of these risk factors, it is important to talk to your health professional.

Factors that may increase your risk of ovarian cancer are:
  • Age-About 90 percent of ovarian cancers affecting women more than 40 years.
  • Cultural background - white women in western society have higher rates of ovarian cancer in the African or Asian woman.
  • Number of pregnancies - Women who have never been pregnant seem to have a higher risk of ovarian cance
  • Family history - Between 5 and 10% of ovarian cancers are genetic in origin. Researchers believe that the genes responsible for breast cancer (BRCA1 and BRCA2) are involved in almost all cases of familial ovarian cancer and familial breast cancer. It is also believed that these same damaged genes may be responsible for some cancers of the colon and endometrium. If you are genetically predisposed to the entire ovary, breast, endometrial cancer or colon, you may have an increased risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Infertility and taken ovulation - Women who have had ovulation may be at higher risk even if infertility itself is a risk factor of this kind can not be taken as a clear indication.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy - Use of estrogen only HRT is usually when you have had a hysterectomy, was identified as a possible risk factor for ovarian cancer, especially if you have been on this therapy for more ten years.
  • Factors lifestyle - Obesity is a risk factor for ovarian cancer is like a diet that is rich in fat.
Can I reduce the risk of ovarian cancer?
Currently, there are no known procedures to prevent or detect early ovarian cancer, but there are ways to reduce risk. Some of these factors are:
  • Oral contraceptives - Research has shown that the use of oral contraceptives may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer up to 60 percent if taken for a period of five years during your lifetime.
  • Pregnancy and lactation - Breastfeeding delays ovulation after childbirth, and therefore reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. However, there is no guarantee that breastfeeding will prevent you from developing ovarian cancer.
  • Enjoy a diet low in fat - A diet rich in fat has been identified as a risk factor for ovarian cancer. Therefore, it makes sense to stick to a low-fat diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Tubal ligation or hysterectomy - These operations are executed by a single valid medical reason, but it is believed that they reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
  • People with a strong family history of ovarian cancer may choose to speak to a genetic counsellor who can determine if you are at risk of developing the disease. If your family history suggests the damaged genes associated with ovarian, breast, endometrial or colon cancer, it may be wise to have genetic testing. If these tests show the damaged BRCA1 or BRCA2, you may be a gynecological oncologist refe.rred to consider ways to reduce your risk.

Early symptoms of ovarian cancer
Because there is no screening test for ovarian cancer, it is recommended that you have a vaginal pelvic regular monitoring to see if there are any changes in your ovaries. It is also essential that you consult your physician specialist if you notice any possible signs of the disease. Because the symptoms are often common to many other medical conditions, the diagnosis of ovarian cancer can be difficult

However, if you have any of these symptoms, which are unusual for you and that persist for more than a week, see your doctor without delay.

Some symptoms of ovarian cancer may include:
  • Stomach discomfort of pain in the pelvic region
  • The persistent nausea or wind.
  • Feeling constantly bloated or "full".
  • Unexplained weight gain.
  • Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss
  • Bowel changes
  • From frequency or urgency to urinate
  • Lethargy.
  • The pain during intercourse.
  • Unexplained vaginal bleeding.
Sometimes, cancers of the ovary were wrongly diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome or menopause, so if you are interested, ask to be referred to a gynecologic oncologist who can order tests to rule out cancer ' ovary. It is rare that these symptoms are ovarian cancer, but if it is early detection gives an excellent chance of survival.

To diagnose ovarian cancer
If your doctor suspects ovarian cancer, you will be referred to a gynecologic oncologist who organise testing, which may include some or all of the following:
  • A pelvic exam.
  • Blood tests
  • Stomach and chest radiographs.
  • A barium enema to remove intestinal problems
  • Échographies
If the results show a risk of ovarian cancer, it will be advisable to have an operation to confirm the diagnosis (none of these tests can be sure). During the operation, if the surgeon finds ovarian cancer, they will normally kill the cancer and the ovaries. It is important to understand before surgery that this will happen if you can learn all about your illness and the results prior to the transaction.


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